這個手拿五色線, 綑綁, 它本身也是有意義的, 你想要什麼你就綁什麼, 你觀想一棟房子, 哇! 彩虹山莊...五色線, 你想 US
Dollar(美金), 你就綁 US Dollar, 你想你的男朋友 Boy friend and the girl friend,
你就綁. 這是金剛索, 金剛索, 你可以綁任何東西變成你自己的.
這金剛斧, 這個可以做降服用, 在它的這個... 把對方灌進來, 把他/她的元神, 由這個你自己的本身護法去把他/她捉來,
然後放在這裡面, 然後呢, 你這個樣子降服他/她, 去降服, 降服.
火供的時候, 唸殊殺咒, 進入火裡面, 這個火把他/她身體全部通通燒成灰, 然後超度他/她到往生佛國, 這也是降服法.
This hand of mine, holding 5 colors of string and use for bind; it itself has
its use. Whatever you want/wish for, you tie it together using this string.
Imagine a dream house, so tie it together. If you wish for some US$
dollar, then tie US$ dollar. Think of your boy friend and the girl friend, then
tie him/her with this string. This is "Diamond String". Using "this" you can tie
whatever things to be yours.
This "Diamond Axe" - using this you can control to kill.
Place the spirit of the target person into this "skull". You can use your own
"bodyguard spirit" to capture your target, then you chop to kill the spirit
using this "diamond axe".
During the "Fire ceremony", chant the "killing charm", and
dump "this" into the fire. This fire will then burn the person into ashes. Then
expiate him/her into the land of the dead in Buddhist Kingdom. This is the
so-call charm of killing.